Limited Companies
Trading through a limited company is generally the most tax efficient route to running your own business.
Running a limited company will mean registering one first. You will need to think about a name for the company and registering it at Companies House. You will also need a registered address for the company. A limited company is a separate entity to yourself as the business owner unlike a sole trader, providing you with protection.
You will need to think about who to appoint as the directors of your company. Who will be the shareholders? Will you have a company secretary?
Our accountants will be able to provide you with advice on withdrawing dividends and paying yourself a salary. If you are paying yourself a salary, you will be an employee of your limited company and your company will need to register for PAYE.
At Accrida, we have an in house payroll department that can provide you with payroll support. Whether you are running payroll for yourself or if you are have employees and require salaries to be run for your staff either on a weekly or monthly basis, our payroll team will be on hand providing the daily support and guidance adhering to the recent RTI reporting methods.
If you are VAT registered, or wish to be, or simply do not know enough about being VAT registered, contact one of our advisers and they can talk you through the whole process. If you give us the go ahead to register your company for VAT, we’ll do all of the administration work. If your company is already VAT registered, why not take the stress away and let us complete the VAT returns for you?
Sole Trader looking to take home more? Speak to one of advisers who can give you a detailed breakdown and comparison of how much you could be saving if you converted to limited, call us on 0800 112 3667 or email us on