We have a dedicated team to assist with self assessment tax returns each year.

If you are required to complete a self assessment tax return, speak to one of our advisers who will be able to provide you with a quote.

Each self assessment is different and the reason you may be required to complete one can differ for each person. You may be a higher rate tax payer, or receiving rental income. If HMRC send you a notice to complete a tax return, it means it must be submitted otherwise they will issue a penalty.

For each self assessment case, we will complete the tax return and send it to you for your approval. If you are happy we will then submit it on your behalf to HMRC and advise you on how to pay your tax liability (if you have one).

In some cases, you may be due a refund. Why not let us analyse your previous years tax returns to determine whether or not you have overpaid your taxes?


The dates to keep in the diary for the 2015-16 tax year are:

5th April 2016 End of the tax year
31st May 2016 You should have received P60s for employment or pension income
31st July 2016 2ND Payment on account due to HMRC
31st October 2016 Self Assessment Tax Return Due if filing Paper Version
31st January 2017 Self Assessment Tax return Due if filing Online
31st January 2017 Tax Liability due for tax year ended 5th April 2016


Speak to one of our advisers on: 0800 112 3667 or email: info@accrida.com for more information.

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Want to speak to one of our expert accountants? Call 0800 112 3667, Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm